Aethelmark Philippines Continuously Spreading Its Good Service to Clients

Another client of Aethelmark Philippines has experienced the benefits of its product, the C Shield Plus Health Insurance.

The client visited thecompany to claim her reimbursement from the CShield Plus Insurance Benefits. Here is the testimony

“I am very much thankful to Aethelmark Philippines. It was an exact timing when the Account officer called me offering the company’s product. I was really searching for an insurance that will be suitable for me because I don’t have any insurance yet, personally. So I find it very interesting that’s why I avail. This insurance had really helped me financially when the accident happened during my grandmother’s wake. A bundle of helium filled balloons directly exploded on my upper body. I was hurriedly brought to the hospital and diagnosed for 8 days due to partial burn on my face and upper body. Caused by that incident, I witnessed the good services that your company offers. Actually, I already recommended it to my co-workers. It’s all worth it. Not only the product that you offer but the people behind it as well. Continue your reliable and good service. I’m hoping for your company’s sustainability because it is really a big help to us. Thank you.” – Ms. Jennely D. Serrano, CShield Plus Client

It is really overwhelming when we receive such a good compliment from our clients. The above testimony confirms that Aethelmark Philippines is a trustworthy company. Giving you satisfaction is what matters to us. We guarantee you that the company will do its utmost to provide you continuous quality service and sustainability.